

由Travis Rothrock.





“你研究糖尿病除了肥胖吗?Is your compound examining weight loss or the impedance of weight gain? These are important factors to communicate to your animal model vendor,” explained Mandy Horn, Scientist, Veterinary Science, Research & Support at Envigo. “Your vendor can help evaluate your study, learn when you want to induce DIO during the study, and use this information to determine which particular stock, strain or substrain would work best, as well as the help you determine how the sex of the mice may influence phenotype.”

2. Research historical control data and peer-reviewed publications

Published references can provide a wealth of information for spontaneous and diet induced metabolic models. Depending on the stock, strain and sex, models have varying responses to high fat diets. Envigo has publishedC57BL/6Hsd “Black 6” publications related to DIO并且可以提供RCCHAN的数据:巫师女性DIO。

“We’ve done in-house studies to optimize development of gonadal intact female Wistar Han rats to compare a variety of high fat diets and determine if they could create a reliable obesity model,” said Sheryl Wildt, Global Manager of Genetic Quality and Breeding.“我们发现了WistarHan®.female rats可以是测试新的抗肥胖化合物可以确定是否可以防止或减少肥胖,而不会产生以前健康的模特,培养不健康的副作用。“


3. Understand the differences with diet

Your animal model vendor will want to discuss the options for your models’ diet as it impacts the phenotype of the model. Diet vendors, including Teklad, can make any customized high-fat diet to meet the needs of your study. These vendors can alter the fat source or even adjust the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids or the ratio of long-chain to medium-chain fatty acids.

“有许多考虑因素,例如基于植物的脂肪,如椰子油或基于动物的脂肪,例如猪油,为您的脂肪来源,”曼迪解释道。“Diets can also have increased sugars, although with a higher fat content at 55-60%, the carbohydrates are relatively low when compared to other obesity inducing diets with 40-45% of the calories from fat, often referred to as the ‘Western Diet.’”


Once you have selected the ideal model for your study, you need to consider the age at which to start your models’ diet, based on the goals of your research. Typically, the high fat diet begins in mouse models around three to six weeks of age, depending on your study design and whether you are trying to treat or prevent obesity.







类别//Teklad饮食,床上用品和浓缩实验室动物饮食诱导肥胖DIO custom diets动物研究饮食诱导肥胖症饮食诱导肥胖研究