
22October, 2020

Not all surgical models are equal: the beauty is in the details




14.September, 2020

Patient-derived xenograft: making personalized medicine even more personal


It is well established that personalized medicine can overcome some limitations of a one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare. In research and practice, personalized medicine is being increasingly utilized. For example, it is playing an increased role in efficacy studies for biomarker-driven therapies and informs treatment.

然而,对于该领域进一步发展,高于临床前模型的发展是必不可少的,以评估新的靶向疗法并增加临床中可动作突变的范围。一种这样的模型,有助于桥接临床前研究和临床,是患者衍生的异种移植物(PDX) - 其中来自患者肿瘤的组织植入免疫缺陷或人源化小鼠。

在研究中使用PDX模型意味着诊所中所见的突变可以从研究计划的最早阶段进行考虑到发现管道,在临床前设置。Andrew Brown,Envigo的全球产品经理解释了这种方法如何改变癌症治B0B体育平台下载疗的未来:



04 August, 2020



Effective colony management ensures reproducible research outcomes and adherence to the principles of the 3Rs. Cryopreservation and rederivation services are highly effective tools for meeting these standards but are not yet broadly used.最近的研究已经透露,许多实验室专业人员都不知道冷冻保存和重新激活的有效殖民地管理的好处,这可能解释了各种设施的这些服务的可变吸收。

现在,研究diffic后恢复ulties posed by COVID-19, researchers are keenly aware of the need to consider proactive disaster-mitigation strategies within their colony management plans. With this additional focus in mind, cryopreservation and rederivation services are uniquely placed to bolster efficiency, embed 3R principles, and ensure research continuity in the face of unseen circumstances.



How COVID-19 has changed the biomedical industry



In particular, animal research is critical in the global search for a treatment or vaccine for COVID-19. Rodent models are advancing our understanding of the virus itself, and research in non-human primates can确保潜在疗法的安全性曲线, before they proceed to human trials.


Below, we highlight some of the ways the industry has adapted since the pandemic began:


01 6月,2020年6月


By Kurt Derfler



一种国家健康研究所(NIH) survey of grants awarded between 2013 and 2017 revealed that nearly half of NIH-funded investigators reported difficulty in obtaining sufficient numbers of NHPs or related services for their research. The implications of this include critical delays in study initiation and widespread requests for grant extensions. These are driven by stretched timelines and increased costs, unforeseen when grant amounts were originally requested.


18 May, 2020




niH.granted 3,413 awardsto 167 of those research institutions last year. It's the largest, single source of funding for biomedical research in the world. Yet, those numbers suggest investigators have a less than seven percent chance of receiving NIH approval. Here are four tips to help scientists succeed in securing grants and other funding:





实验室大鼠和老鼠已经使用了几十年来使艾滋病毒抗逆转录病毒对流感疫苗进行了很大的医学进步。但是一直是一个有趣的辩论,这是更有用的动物模型 - 大鼠或小鼠。

With the current devastating emergence of the coronavirus pathogen, flexible research models have never been more important. Let’s take a closer look at the story behind the debate to see if 2020 will indeed be the year of the lab rat.



Care and husbandry for immunodeficient rodents: guidance to reduce risks in your research

By Jamie Naden

免疫啮齿动物can serve as a valuable part of basic research studies to help researchers better understand immune-related diseases and immune response. Use of these unique models have driven medical advances in the development of chemotherapies, immunotherapies, biologics andCAR T-cell therapies甚至导致成像技术和个性化药物。

While these rodent models can be very powerful in research, they understandably require very special care to maintain their health status and reduce the risk of pathogens and infections that can derail research results.

This blog discusses how immunodeficient rodents can be bred and housed along with the considerations for bedding, enrichment, packing and shipping to ensure that these rodents have the care they require to remain healthy throughout their lives.


10 February, 2020

5 key research industry trends for 2020


Companies, businesses and research institutions dedicated to protecting and improving human, animal and plant life continue to make breakthroughs in understanding the nature of diseases that affect them.



4.tips for developing a laboratory animal care training program


