Envigo is committed to ensuring the prevention of bribery in all parts of its business and to conducting all of its activities in an honest manner. We expect all of the business partners whom we work with to share this commitment and to promote the same standards when dealing with their own suppliers and partners.
    This code of conduct is based on statutory requirements, sets out how we expect our business partners to behave and what to do if confronted with issues of bribery or corruption.
    We expect our partners to:

    • Work to high standards of professional competence and integrity
    • Refuse to accept or give gifts, hospitality or entertainment which might influence, or which are intended to influence, business judgment in transactions
    • Accept hospitality offered in a business context only, and only if offered on a reciprocal basis
    • Commit to complying with all applicable anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws
    • Ensure that their staff do not offer or make any bribe, unorthodox or unauthorised payment or inducement of any kind to anyone
    • Include anti-corruption and bribery clauses in contracts offered to any suppliers and partners.
    • Ensure that every employee may report allegations of bribery or corruption in confidence without fear of reprisal
    • 不直接or indirect contributions to either political parties, organisations or individuals engaged in politics, as a way of obtaining advantage in business transactions
    • Establish and maintain an effective system of internal controls to counter bribery, comprising financial and organisational checks and balances over accounting and record keeping practices and other business processes
    • Establish feedback mechanisms and other internal processes supporting continuous improvement

    Monitoring and compliance

    This code of conduct is a mandatory requirement for working with Envigo. From time to time Envigo may conduct assessments to ensure this is being upheld.

    Brad<br>Gien, Global Head of Surgery


    Global Head of Surgery

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