
    Everyone has rights with regard to how their personal information is handled. During the course of our activities Envigo will collect, store and process personal information about our people, and the Company recognises the need to treat this information in an appropriate and lawful manner.

    The types of information that the Company may be required to handle include (but are not limited to) details of current, past and prospective employees, suppliers, customers, and others that the Company communicates with. The information, which may be held on paper, computer or other media, is subject to certain legal safeguards specified in applicable data protection legislations which impose restrictions on how the Company may use that information.



    • 公司的数据保护合规性由法律部门监督。任何有关数据保护合规性的问题或担忧都应首先提交给法律部门


    • 数据是以电子方式存储在计算机上或某些纸质归档系统中的信息
    • Data subjects for the purpose of this policy include all living individuals about whom the Company holds personal data. All data subjects have legal rights in relation to their personal data
    • Personal data means data relating to a living individual who can be identified from that data (or from that data and other information in our possession). Personal data can be factual (such as a name, address or date of birth) or it can be an opinion (such as a performance appraisal)
    • 数据控制者是决定处理任何个人数据的目的和方式的人员或组织。他们有责任制定符合规定的做法和政策
    • 数据用户包括其工作涉及使用个人数据的员工。数据用户有责任通过始终遵守我们的数据保护和安全策略来保护他们处理的信息
    • Data processors include any person who processes personal data on behalf of a data controller
    • Processing is any activity that involves use of the data. It includes obtaining, recording or holding the data, or carrying out any operation or set of operations on the data including organising, amending, retrieving, using, disclosing, erasing or destroying it. Processing also includes transferring personal data to third parties
    • 敏感个人资料包括有关某人的种族或族裔出身、政治观点、宗教或类似信仰、工会会员资格、身心健康或状况或性生活的资料,或有关该人所犯或指称所犯任何罪行的实施或诉讼的资料,该等法律程序的处置或任何法院在该等法律程序中的判决。敏感的个人资料只能在严格的条件下处理,通常需要有关人士的明确同意

    Data protection principles


    • 公平合法处理
    • Processed for limited purposes and in an appropriate way
    • 充分、相关且不过度
    • Accurate
    • 保存的时间不超过为此目的所需的时间
    • 根据数据主体的权利进行处理
    • Secure
    • 不转移到没有充分保护的国家的人或组织

    Fair and lawful processing

    Applicable laws and regulations are not generally intended to prevent the processing of personal data, but to ensure that it is done fairly and without adversely affecting the rights of the data subject. The data subject must be told who the data controller is (in this case Envigo), who the data controller’s representative is (the Director of Legal Services), the purpose for which the data is to be processed by us, and the identities of anyone to whom the data may be disclosed or transferred.



    Personal data may only be processed for the specific purposes notified to the data subject when the data was first collected or for any other purposes specifically permitted by applicable laws and regulations. This means that personal data must not be collected for one purpose and then used for another. If it becomes necessary to change the purpose for which the data is processed, the data subject must be informed of the new purpose before any processing occurs.

    Adequate, relevant and non-excessive processing



    Personal data must be accurate and kept up to date. Information which is incorrect or misleading is not accurate and steps should therefore be taken to check the accuracy of any personal data at the point of collection and at regular intervals afterwards. Inaccurate or out-of-date data should be destroyed.

    Timely processing




    • 请求访问数据控制器保存的任何数据
    • 防止为直接营销目的处理其数据
    • 要求修改不准确的数据
    • Prevent processing that is likely to cause damage or distress to themselves or anyone else
    Brad<br>Gien, Global Head of Surgery



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