


+Animal health and welfare





我在毕业大学后在学术界工作,非常从事科学作用 - 以及一定程度的临床作用 - 表演实验手术和开发外科研究新的动物模型。然后我在一个小动物练习中工作,我绝对被爱了。B0B体育平台下载Envigo然后在寻找具有实验手术经验的人,我申请。该职位是在兽医团队和部门制定手术能力。这次机会向我开辟了一个新世界,动物福利 - 每当你对动物或动物进行工作时,肯定会受到良好的照顾和伤害/效益分析。


Clearly you need to have a love and an understanding for animals because that's, in a way, the company’s consciousness. You have to make this continuous analysis about what is the benefit and what is the welfare cost on the animals, what is acceptable, what isn’t acceptable, what could cause animals harm, what doesn’t cause them harm, and how do they feel most comfortable. You also have to support the team and the technicians in their daily efforts to deliver this ever so important culture of care towards our animals.




我喜欢与团队合作并看到他们发展。我也喜欢帮助人们了解动物福利的重要性,并确保他们平衡它。他们了解动物的感觉和大的承诺和牺牲,他们为人类提供了更好的利益。这真的是我喜欢与团队合作的地方 - 成为我的兽医团队,技术人员,业务方面或销售人员。教育它们对动物很重要。我们如何改善这一福利方面?我们如何提高质量?这一切如何互动?更好的动物福利提供了更好的科学。健康,良好的动物追随动物为您的客户提供更好的型号,我们的客户试图进行。

I also love interacting with our customers because there’s so much you learn. I love being part of this bigger picture of creating a healthier and better world through this little brick in this overall building that makes it so much better for all of us. Hearing our animals have participated in studies that led to some breakthrough in medicine - let’s say Parkinson’s Disease with some treatment that works really well. You know that you’ve been part of that and you've made sure that the animals are well looked after during this process. That really drives me. That makes it, for me, so much more important.

Which career achievements make you proud?

我想使我非常自豪的是看到我的team develop and seeing people change their minds about animals in science. If you go back nearly 20 years when I started working, it was clear through many conversations it was more the science that mattered. I’ve seen this transition of people through education, through continuous conversations and making them understand how important the well-being of the animals is that they suddenly understand and see not just the data in front of them, but actually see an animal in front of them. This is not just raw data. This is an animal standing behind that raw data. Changing those attitudes makes me really proud.

此外,经历将员工指导职位的过程 - 无论是技术人员,在研究还是销售。帮助他们了解我们世界的原则,动物的健康以及如何照顾他们让我非常自豪。

What are some of your favorite things to do outside of Envigo?

我喜欢回到奥地利。在夏天,你会在湖上找到水滑水,游泳或只是躺在阳光下。我也喜欢用三个儿子徒步旅行。在冬天,我们一起滑雪。这绝对是我最喜欢的时间 - 当我们四个人在某处刚刚开始时,共同花费优质的时间。

I love spending time with my dog, Socks, and newly acquired chickens - Babs, Mac, and Ginger. I’m really drawn to them. I didn’t expect them to be social, so interactive with me and so tame. They jump onto my lap in the morning when I go into the garden and open the gate. That really makes my day.

联系我们if you have a question for Helmut or would like to learn more about our veterinary services. 审查赫尔穆特的简历