
+Commercial operations
+Sales management

What are your responsibilities at Envigo?

I am responsible for managing all of the directly customer-facing functions at Envigo. Commercial is at the front-end of the process for the company. It encompasses four areas: Sales, Customer Service, Marketing, and Sales Operations. Sales Operations, for those who may be wondering, supports all of our commercial efforts, providing pricing, contract management, data analysis, and business intelligence.


I have loved everything about science and nature since I was a little kid. My grandparents used to send boxes of National Geographic and Smithsonian magazines to our house and I was the only one who would read them. I loved learning about anything scientific in nature - be it astronomy, biology, etc. When I was 5 years old, I remember having a discussion with my grandfather about the concept of human evolution. He may not have agreed with me, but I think he appreciated having the conversation with me.


I was four years into my PhD when I had an epiphany从事实验室研究对我来说可能不是一条正确的道路。当你进入你的科学教育,你从非常广泛的学习,然后缩小到一个非常,非常具体的重点领域。非常具体。比如,研究细胞中的特定分子。我只是发现,焦点区域越窄,我就越不兴奋。我喜欢在我的范围更广。所以,经过反复反省,我决定在科学领域寻找其他的机会。我有几个朋友走了销售路线,说我应该试一试。我开始向实验室销售科学产品,非常喜欢。很有趣。我必须懂科学,能说客户的语言,但我不必做科学–which is where I previously got bogged down.

What are the best parts of your job?


What are some of the key attributes of being successful in your role?

I think you really need to be a keen listener. This is something that I will always be working on myself——少说话和列表ening more. You need to first understand the challenges our customers have, then understand the challenges our company has, and then my organization within the company. The key to success is understanding the barriers a customer or a salesperson is having to their success and then hoping to lower or eliminate those barriers, or figure out a way around them. It's not up to me as the commercial leader to come up with the brilliant plan. My role is to empower the people with whom I work and help them build coalitions and gain the support, resources, or whatever they need to be successful in implementing their plans.

You need to be really flexible. Not everything is going to work. Every plan, every decision you make or every path you take is not going to be the right one. It's having the fortitude to keep moving forward when things may not be so sure. It's also having the capability, knowledge, and support to say, "let's go in a different direction" when something isn't working. I really strive to help the people in my organization feel empowered to do that.

Which career achievements make you proud?


What goals have you set for yourself and the company?

A goal for the company is really to complete our transformation of going from playing in a lot of areas to really focusing on animal models, and the services and products that go with them. We need to continue leading the industry in animal care and quality. I joined Envigo because I was incredibly impressed by the people here. Everyone puts their heart and soul in to the business because we know how important the animals we provide are - each one of them is a hero.


What are some of your favorite things to do outside of Envigo?


拜托contact usif you have a question for Mike or would like to learn more about our research models and services.