We offer you the experience, quality, and consistency that is essential to your success.
Discover critical factors to consider when selecting your animal model and why
Download e-bookThe R2G2 brings a new option to oncology and immunology researchers
下载白皮书解决你最大的帮助下rederivation障碍from our experienced project managers
Stream the webinarWhat comes out of your research depends in large part on what goes into your research models. Ensuring your study animals have the most appropriate diet is critical to maintaining consistent, reliable research data.
Design. Test. Report. Interpret.
Trusted, tailor-made testing programs
进行了几项研究以验证Envigo内部开发的NSP测试的表现。B0B体育平台下载这些研究和结果的目的总结在我们白皮书中'Comparing Non-sacrificial Panel (NSP) and Traditional Animal Health Monitoring'.
B0B体育平台下载Envigo为其客户提供了众多可能性,在建立健康监控程序,包括测试型材,测试频率,要监控的动物数量等,所有这些都是基于Felasa 2014的建议。我们的ISO 9001:2015认证诊断实验室位于英国,意大利和新加坡,包括高素质的微生物学家(分子)生物学家和兽医。
The routine testing of laboratory animals includes the use of serology, bacteriology, molecular biology (PCR) and parasitology which is usually undertaken on live animals, which can be picked up from your facility by dedicated Envigo trucks. For shipping live animals to our labs, Envigo offers special filtered boxes including gel, so animals arrive in good condition at our lab. Alternatively samples can be sent by overnight courier; this includes the use of dry blood spot cards for serology. Please download ourdry blood spot leaflet有关详细信息。
It is advised that sentinels are sufficiently exposed to the animal colonies (at least 6 weeks). Sentinel animals should be selected for immune responsiveness, susceptibility to pathogens of interest (and therefore negative for these organisms!), and ease of identification. Isolator bred and maintained sentinels from Envigo are at minimum free of opportunistic bacteria (often referred as FELASA Plus or SOPF quality). Full monitoring reports are normally provided within 10 working days from receipt of animals. If necessary, serology data can already be provided within 48 hours after receipt of the animals or samples. The reports can provide historical data for individual units and areas, if required. Keep in mind that as a customer you pay for the result — not the retesting!
In case colonies are confirmed to be positive for pathogenic organisms, Envigo can assist in cleaning up the colonies through rederivation (embryo transfer and/or caesarean section). View our contract breeding services for additional information.
Your ultimate goal is to ensure that valid experimental data can be obtained from laboratory animals that have not been compromised by interfering microorganisms. To meet the level of quality and consistency your research program requires, an animal health monitoring program is essential to your success.